Putting our TRUST in God
We are all familiar with the phrase "Trust in God", but do we really know just how true this statement is?
It is not just a tag line found on American currency; in God We Trust, or just some religious quote, in fact, it truly should be a way of life.
Many times, when life throws us a curve ball people will say, "I trust God". I ask you, do you really? Or are you just saying it to convince yourself or others?
God, my God, the creator of all things, the author and finisher. He knows the end from the beginning and He reigns. When we study the word, and study the many characters of God we begin to trust in Him and trust Him. There is a difference.
Trusting in Him, is knowing and believing that He will do exactly what His word says He will do.
Trusting Him is knowing and believing that He will do exactly what He said He will do.
Go back and read that again. We have His written word to reference and cling to, but we also have the promises He will verbally make.
You are asking how does he make a verbal promise if God is just a spirit? God can do anything and one of the most wonderful things he has done was give us the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit speaks, but to hear Him, we must be still. For He speaks in a still small voice.
You are asking, how do you know when the Holy Spirit is speaking? It takes a developed intimate relationship with the Father to be able to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit and once you know when He speaks there is no mistaking it.
As things began to take shape in my life because I made the conscience decision to follow, know and trust God I started to see the hand of God move in areas that I never thought possible. Why did I say never thought possible? It was because I did not know God. I did not know who He truly was and just how big He was. Although I knew the scripture:
Matthew 19:26
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
I didn't truly believe it because I was looking at it from a sceptic point of view. I put God in a box; limited Him in certain areas, because I didn't fully believe. I didn't let go and let God.
I will speak of a recent event. I had an unimageable situation that was plaguing me greatly. I was desperate for resolution. I knew what needed to be done but I did not know how to achieve said goal. I discussed this with others, we were all in agreement of what needs to happen, but I struggled with the how, I had no peace at all. I took this issue to God asking Him for help. He gave me a resolution, an immediately, the PEACE that surpasses all understand came over me like a wave. Before I could even implement the instructions that were given to me, God resolved it...I did not have to do anything but trust what I heard.
Begin to Trust and seek God with all your heart. Begin to know Him intimately, it will be the best relationship you will ever have. He will never leave you nor forsake you and you will always have the desired outcome and will always have peace in your heart, mind and soul.
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